About the place

The network of sports clubs «Yalos» offers a range of areas for adults and children, according to age and level of training. Our pupils show good results in competitions and dance competitions. Classes are taught by coaches with medical education and sports titles IMR and MS. The branch is based on "Galaxy" sports club.

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Next to Studio «Yalos» to selection

Sport Club

Sports club «Galaxy»

24 m. Moskovs'kyi Ave, 202

(098) 812-25-36

Sport school
Sport Club

Cultural Center "" Dive into motion "dance pad"

126 m. Moskovs'kyi Ave, 200

(050) 939-96-28

Sport section

Section Taekwondo KDDYUSSH №6

250 m. Kharkivskykh Dyvizii St, 8

(050) 834-12-42

Sport school

Children's basketball club "Junior"

385 m. Moskovsky Ave., 259, lit. A-3 (Palace of Sports)

(068) 272-54-54

Sport Club

Club "Tiger" near the metro station "Palace of Sports"

435 m. Vasylia Melnykova St, 7

(098) 283-24-98

Sport Club

Karate club "The Mikado" at the Kharkiv divisions

570 m. Kharkivskykh Dyvizii St, 7/3

(050) 302-22-68

Fitness club

Fitness club «Malibu» on Moskovskyi

623 m. Moskovskyi St, 257

(057) 717-25-20

Sport school

Academy of Capoeira "Dende" on the subway "Army"

624 m. Moskovs'kyi Ave, 257

(098) 248-35-66

Sport school

Studio "All Stars Dance Center" New Homes

649 m. Moskovs'kyi Ave, 257

(057) 756-99-37