Kooperatyvna Street, 20
Sport karate club "Bushido Kharkiv" began its existence in September 2005 and is actively growing and thriving to this day. The club has more than a hundred, both beginners and experienced athletes. We participate and win, both regional and international tournaments and traditional sports karate. Constant practice in various seminars and training sessions give rapid and effective development of the athlete and new victories in the competition. Today we train in five halls of the city of Kharkov, as one, big, happy family. From the youngest karateka 4 years to adult men and women who go to the club for poderzhkoy healthy lifestyle and the ability to stand up for themselves in a difficult situation. Lots of programs and individual approach, makes a simple novice, strong and healthy, full of strength and energy of the person. Trainings are held in the building of the Lyceum "Promin".