Dehtiarivska St, 5
The school of oriental dance «Navadance» along with the passage of the latest trends we are trying to save and send important also notes the source, without the dance itself is meaningless. This is something more than just enthusiastic squeal during another shaking, it's meaningful work ... Most of the learning process consists of learning performances. Beginner level during the first few lessons are given basic belly dance movements, and further studies are made up of communication and learning performances. Originally given simple. Previously studied base was not fully assimilated student, she practiced movement that do not go directly into the dance. The teacher stops setting to explain the error and remind the correct execution of movements. As the development of student movements and communications are complicated. Along with learning choreography and dance theory given as exercise and stretching muscles with a small load. For the average base level is passed, once given the complicated connections and setting. Attention is paid to acting and behavior on stage. It seems higher than the rate for entry-level employment. Stretching is with large than the entry-level loads. In the advanced level student engaged in physical and choreographic base sufficient for learning the most complex performances in a very short time. Stretching is a maximum load classes - the maximum rate. Particular attention is paid to the scenic image, makeup, costumes and elements of oriental dance paraphernalia. Schoolgirls may be involved in the creative process, creating a choreographed dance. In addition to study belly dancing and other dance styles: cancan, dance 60s classic, plastic strip and others.