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Sports club "Empire of young talents" was founded in September 2017.
The founder of the sports club "Empire of young talents" is the Master of Sports of Ukraine coach - teacher Olga Kondratyuk.
The name "Empire of young talents" are not new and well-known fact in Ukraine and abroad. In 2011 the tournament was established "Empire of young talents", with the support of our parents and gymnasts general sponsor Restohradu "Empire." The tournament is held annually in Kiev. Chief Judge and organizer of the tournament is Kondratiuk Olga.
Our goal - to raise the level of gymnastics Ukraine, educate professional athletes, harmoniously developed personality in all respects, able to run and win. We aim to win all the competitions in which we participate.
At the moment, our sports club works closely with the school Deryugin in the future, we plan the best gymnasts recommend our club and send to school or just Deryugin team in Ukraine.